When one speaks of religious education, thoughts ofCatholic Schools and CCD classes fill our minds. Actually, what should come to mind first is the domestic church, or put more simply, the home. Religious education begins with parents instructing their children in the faith and it must begin in the home. The Church has alwaystaught that parents are the primary educators of their children. The General Directory for Catechesis states:
Parents receive in the sacrament of Matrimony “the grace and the ministry of the Christian education of their children, to whom they transmit and bear witness to human and religious values." [227]
As an aid to parents in their role as the primary catechists, the church provides classes and programming to assist in teaching and hopefully, reinforcing what is taught at home. These programs at the parish level include catechism or religious education classes, Sacrament preparation, RCIA for those seeking to learn more about the Catholic Faith, Bible Studies, and many more.
Remember, Religious Education is not for children alone. We are all called to diligently work at deepening our understanding of our Faith, which helps to produce a stronger Faith and love for our Lord.
Please visit the various pages listed on the right for more information about our programs.