The Altar Society of St. Mary Parish, a support organization of our church, invites any woman over age 18 to join. Our purpose is to provide for the care of Altar linens and the fonts for Holy Water, and to have the various flags cleaned.
The Altar Society provides masses for deceased members, delivers flowers and cards at Christmas time for all members in nursing homes, and delivers cards to those confined to their homes. Members also provide desserts and help at the parish fish frys and at the festivals.
On occasion they serve coffee and donuts after the 9:00 a.m. Sunday Mass.
Any Catholic man actively practicing the faith is eligible to be a member of the Knights of Columbus. Meetings are held monthly.
The Council also has a clubroom open to members and guests. They regularly sponsor a number of social and philanthropic events in the community.
Any wife, widow, or daughter of a Knight of Columbus member is eligible for membership in their auxiliary. The meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month from September through May. The purpose of the auxiliary is to assist the Piqua Council with its projects and activities.
The local St. George Commandery 194 promotes sound Christian morals and brotherly love. Members provide each other support in case of sickness or other circumstances where spiritual or material assistance is necessary. A strictly Catholic organization, members pledge to pay special respect to pastors of Catholic congregations, and to cooperate with them in all the good works they carry on for the glory of God.
Any Catholic man, age 16 or over, may become a members. Meetings are held monthly.
Any Catholic woman age 16 or over is eligible to belong to the auxiliary which meets once a month. The purpose of this organization is to promote fraternity, Christian charity, and respect for the Church.
The Miami County Right to Life Society is dedicated to presenting fully detailed and factual information upon which people can make informed decisions about the various topics of fetal development, abortion, alternatives to abortion, euthanasia, and infanticide. The all-volunteer organization is open to anyone. Meetings are held monthly.
The St. Vincent DePaul Society was formed here in 1984 in order to help members of St. Mary Parish, as well as other persons living in Piqua. Requests for aid comes from members of the parish and through the social agencies of Piqua and Miami County. Monetary assistance is given to the Bethany Center and Salvation Army to help with rent, utilities, medical needs, and prescriptions for those in need.
The mission of the Welcoming Committee is to give a positive first impression to new parishioners by providing them with a personal visit, and presenting them with a gift of a Crucifix, and by offering information on the Parish and the local Catholic community.